Tired of wasting time on traditional dating websites? Want to get right down to the good stuff? Well, by dating for casual sex on a specialist website, you can. Join us as we explain how.
When it comes to relationships, a traditionalist would have you believe that there is no such thing as dating for casual sex.
Tradition would dictate that the only outcome of dating would be to build a relationship which would last for a lifetime. Sex shouldn’t be a focus of these relationships until it became established and longevity (and often marriage) was on the cards. It was normal for there to be no sex before marriage but times and society have changed, and all for the better.
It is no longer the case that people in short-term relationships are frowned upon but it wasn’t long ago that a no strings or casual relationship was never heard of. I am not saying that it didn’t happen, it just wasn’t talked about. I suppose that the main reason for the lack of dating for casual sex was that the pool was fairly small. By this I mean that the only places to find a partner would largely have been pubs and nightclubs, meaning that these venues would have been full of local people. If you don’t want to be with the same person for any length of time there will be a point when you run out of options.
Then along came the internet. With all of its faults (and yes there are some) came the opportunity to meet people from far and wide without too much effort. This gave people the potential to have more casual partners as the pool suddenly became much larger. Couple this with societies change in perception (or opinions if you prefer) and suddenly there is not only the possibility of more casual dating but it is also more acceptable.
The internet dating industry has taken this with both hands and run with it, there are a multitude of dating sites online now and not just for ‘conventional’ relationships either. The results that you get back from a search engine for dating sites go on for page upon page and the further you go into these pages the more specialist the sites seem to get.
Of course we all know that most people don’t go past the first page of results, you could be there for days, but if there is a specific niche dating site you are looking for there is sure to be one out there, especially if you are looking for dating for casual sex.
As far as casual dating goes, the taboo has not only been broken, it has been trampled upon by a hoard of stampeding single guys and gals all looking for no strings sex, and about time too.