Welcome to the Maturity Dating FAQ. Here you’ll find answers to questions that we’re frequently asked. If your question isn’t answered here, please contact us and we’ll work with you to resolve the issue.


What is Maturity Dating?

Maturity Dating is a leading over 50s dating website, based in the UK. We have over one million active members and through our partnership with White Label Dating, we ensure that our customers have one of the best online dating experiences around.

What are the advantages of online dating?

Online dating offers a compelling alternative to the traditional ways of meeting potential love interests. Rather than waiting for love to come to you, online dating puts you on the front foot, letting you discover and talk to people in your own time. It’s about taking back control of your love life and having a great time along the way. For mature daters, it also presents an easy way to meet new people in our already busy lives.

Does online dating really work?

You might well expect us to say, this but yes, it works! In the UK alone one in three new relationships not begin online, and those numbers only rise when you look around the world. It’s not just for young people either, because online dating’s biggest growth sectors in recent years have been mature daters just like you. Join the millions of happy couples today and sign up for free at our home page.

Is online dating safe?

Online dating has suffered from more than its fair share of negative publicity, but the truth is that it’s actually one of the safest ways of meeting potential partners. Every profile is hand checked by our staff to ensure that no offensive or harassing comments are posted and our comprehensive reporting system means we can weed out the bad eggs with ease. Take a look at our guide to online dating safety here.


I’ve forgotten my password or username, what can I do?

Simply click the “forgot password” button on your login screen and follow the on screen instructions to have your username and password sent through to your email account.

Can I change my password?

Of course. Click on the “My account” section in the navigation menu and then click “Update your password”. From there you’ll be able to input a new password.

Can I change my email address?

Of course. Click on the “My account” section in the navigation menu and then click “Update your email address”. From there you’ll be able to input a new email address.

I keep being told my password is wrong, what’s going on?

There’s a good chance this is simply human error. Make sure that you’re typing in your password correctly, ensuring that you’re making correct use of capital letters If you’re still getting the error message, it could be that your account has been suspended.

How can I control the email Maturity Dating sends me?

You can find the email control settings in the “My account” section of the menu and then into “Email settings”


Membership and Billing

How can I upgrade?

Upgrading is as simple as clicking the “Upgrade now” button when you’re logged in to your free account. Upgrading costs money, but it means that you can read and send messages, customise with bolt-on services, subscribe to mobile alerts, keep a diary and much, much more.

How can I pay for an upgrade?

Paying for upgrades can be done through your debit/credit card or through an SMS, if that’s more convenient. Charges appear on your bill as Venntro Media Group or venntro.net. We do not accept postal orders, cheques or Money Grams.

My card was denied, why?

There are a number of reasons why your card has been denied by our system. Most commonly those are:

If you don’t know why you’re being declined, speak to your card issuer about the problem.

I’ve paid for my membership, what now?

Once you’ve paid your membership fee your account will be immediately activated and your chosen period of subscription starts. You should now have full access to all the features of Maturity Dating. In rare circumstances, it may take up to a couple of days to fully activate.

Do I need to renew my membership?

At Maturity Dating we operate a reappear billing policy. This means that once your initial membership period has expired, for your convenience, we automatically renew your policy at the same rate you initially signed up for. That means that even if our prices have risen during the team of your membership, you’ll pay the same rate as before. If you don’t want to continue using the website, you can cancel the automatic billing at any time before the collection date.

How can I cancel my membership?

Cancelling your membership is quick and easy. You do need to cancel any repeat billing first, however. To do that click on “My account” and then “Billing history” to cancel your next bill. You’ll still have full access of the website up until the point where your next bill would have been taken.

My Profile

How do I create a profile?

When you sign up for a free Maturity Dating account you’ll be prompted to set up your online dating profile. Your profile is made up of a number of different sections and you should make every effort to fill it in to the fullest degree. If you’ve skipped the profile making procedure and now want to make one, simply click ‘My account’ and then ‘My profile’ to get started.

How can I edit/update my profile?

Editing or updating your profile is quick and easy. Simply click ‘My account’ and then ‘My profile’ to get started.

I don’t feel like I’m getting the most out of online dating, what am I doing wrong?

Online dating, like most things in life, is about how much you’re willing to put in. Having a well filled out profile is one thing, but online dating is all about seizing the initiative and getting on the front foot. Be active, message people and don’t get down if your chat doesn’t pan out. Love doesn’t come easy to anybody, but it’ll come if you leave your heart open and give mature dating a real try.

Why was my profile blocked?

If you can no longer log in using your username or password, it either means that you asked us to close your account or that you’ve been blocked. If you’ve been blocked it’s because of complaints from fellow users of Maturity Dating. Reasons for this may be harassment, advertising or unacceptable usage.

How can I upload and remove pictures?

Uploading pictures is as easy as going to ‘My account’ then ‘My profile’ and finally clicking the upload button to update your pictures. Removing them is simply a matter of clicking the ‘Remove’ button next to the image you want to remove.

My picture was denied, why?

We all know the importance of having a good profile picture, but you might be annoyed to find that your profile picture has been denied. For the benefit of our website users, we check each profile picture that’s uploaded to ensure it meets our standard requirements. You may be rejected if your profile picture is a:

Approval of images typically takes around 20 minutes.

How can I change my gender status?

As it stands, members cannot change gender status by themselves. You need to contact us and we’ll arrange a change.

Can I update my location?

Absolutely. Go to ‘My account’, then to ‘General details’ and finally enter your new location before pressing the ‘update’ button.