Can Casual Sex Save your Marriage?

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Nobody ever said being married is easy. It’s especially difficult when things just don’t seem to be going your way. Perhaps you’re not as satisfied in bed as you once were. Maybe you’re finding your relationships strained by constant companionship. Whatever the reason, many are turning towards casual sex as a fix. But does it work? 

For a lot of married couples there is a happily ever after and the marriage gets stronger with time. There are also many couples who face a troubled period in their relationship for many different reasons. For some couples simply working through the difficulties can see them through, while for others there seems to no way back.

How people deal with their marriage troubles is obviously influenced by what the underlying problem is, for some it is simply a stagnant physical relationship. This often happens when the relationship is well established and is often called ‘The seven year itch’. Over a period of time sex can become routine and therefore boring, throw a couple of kids into the mix and the sex often becomes a chore.

Although there are many ways to put the spark back into sex it is often given little or no thought, why would it when there is so much else to think about? This can then cause frustration and guilt which leads to arguments and (possibly) divorce. A common result of this is that the couple forget why they fell in love with each other in the first place, they lose sight of what they saw in their partner when they first met.

For some couples, simply recreating that all important first date is enough to re-ignite the flames of passion but for others it is simply too little too late. This is when dating for casual sex can become a lifeline when you are married.

There are two ways to go about having no strings attached sex during a marriage. The first is to go about it without your partner knowing. This is probably the most common practice although it can often lead to more problems within the marriage. Sex outside of the marital bed is still often thought of as wrong and in some ways selfish. As humans are one of the few species on the planet that have sex for pleasure, sex itself can be thought of as a selfish act (take a minute to think about that).

The other way to have casual sex during a marriage is to discuss it with your partner and get their consent. I know this sounds totally bizarre but there are some people who are willing enough to agree to this just to see their partners happy and their marriage survive, there are some who enjoy the fact that other people find their partner attractive in the same way that they do. Being open and honest is seen by many as a fundamental principle in their relationship and goes a long way to rebuilding a fragile marriage.

However you approach a casual sex relationship during your marriage always make sure you play safe if you play away from home. A good place to start are websites such as where people in the same situation can be found quickly and easily.