No strings sex can provide an amazing rush. But when sex comes without emotional attachment – do you get an attack of one night stand guilt?
Our society is changing quickly and our brains haven’t quite kept pace with the shift in sexual attitudes. No strings sex and dating are on the rise but it can still be difficult to accept that it’s OK to enjoy sex in and of itself. Sex really can be a fun, intimate encounter between consenting adults that doesn’t have to mean anything more.
That guilt free one night stand is possible. Do you dare to embrace no strings dating and try it for yourself?
Practice perfect one night stand etiquette to avoid a moral hangover in the morning.
Never talk about feelings
This is not the time to start talking about how much you ‘like’ the other person. Compliments are fine but avoid anything that could be misconstrued as deeper feelings. This doesn’t mean avoiding warmth and affection – but try and keep a firm line in your mind’s eye. You both know what you are here to enjoy so skip the soppy stuff.
Never mention future plans
It’s such an easy trap to fall into. You want to be polite. You want to be nice. And suddenly you have invited them to a friend’s birthday party in two week’s time. If you want no strings sex then keep it that way – trying to evolve the partnership into anything more will make things awkward for both of you. Enjoy the moment.
Make sure this is what you really want
One night stands work when both people go into it with their eyes open. If you think you want a one night stand but hold out hope of it turning into more, you will be inevitably be disappointed. No strings dating isn’t for everyone and that’s OK. The same is true for your partner in crime – make sure you are upfront about what you are offering and what you expect in return. If anyone is feeling wobbly about the situation – it’s probably best to pass.
Choose the right partner
It goes without saying that the right partner can make or break your one night stand. Just because this is a one night only performance doesn’t mean they should be any less courteous, kind or respectful than a long-term beau. Arranging your no strings sex through a reputable adult dating website can help to ensure everyone is on the same page.
Avoid sleeping over
Sleeping in someone’s bed can be an intimate gesture and is something you may want to avoid in a one night stand. If you can hop back to your own bed or ensure they make it safely home to theirs, that’s ideal. Of course, sometimes this just won’t work out. If this happens, enjoy a friendly breakfast and leave as soon as possible. Once you get sucked into their daytime plans it has gone too far.
Looking to arrange a hook up soon? Sign up to our site today for a no strings sex encounter