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Meeting people for sex is as normal as grabbing a bite to eat. Everyone needs the release sex provides but not everyone has a partner to have sex with.

No strings dating is about meeting new people for sex and not meeting them again. The concept of no strings attached is simple — you aren’t expected to exchange numbers and meet again. You can have sex and leave.

When you’re new to no strings dating, it is normal to have fears. So, in this article, we’ll discuss these and how to overcome them.

I’ll be judged

We’re all human. Yes, some people can be judgemental, but the whole point of no strings dating is to meet new people and try new things. The people on our platform want to meet up and have fun. It’s as simple as that.

If you have self-confidence issues, we’re not qualified to provide advice, but we can say that learning to accept yourself is a good place to start. Understanding that no one is perfect, and everyone has faults will help you with this.

I’ll be in danger

You’ve probably seen a movie or TV show at least once where someone meets up for sex and gets harmed. This makes for great theatre, but real life is different. The vast majority of people meet up for sex with no problem at all.

If you are concerned about meeting for sex with new people, take your phone with you and let people know where you are going. Ask someone to call you at a certain time and go somewhere that has CCTV like a hotel.

My privacy will be invaded

Most of us like to live a private life or at the very least keep some aspects of our lives private. With no strings dating, you can use an alias online and continue using it so that the person you meet can’t look you up online.

Using an alias is a good way to keep your privacy intact. You can also minimise the chances of discovery by meeting people anywhere but near your home and people who live far away from you. But it’s up to you whether you do this.